First Grade: Color, Line, Pattern
Adire Cloth Inspired Wax Resist
The first graders learned about line and pattern by
looking at the artwork of other cultures. For their first project they
learned about the wax resist dye process used in Adire Cloth. We began
by discussing the many ways that lines can be used to create patterns
and then practiced making patterns. The next week we used crayons to
create Adire inspired patterns on paper. The wax in the crayons
"resisted" paint when it was applied.
Aboriginal Dream paintings
The next project was inspired by the Dotted Dream
Paintings of the Australian Aborigines. We began with a pre-painted
snake which represented the Rainbow Serpent of the aboriginal
mythology. Then the students added dotted outlines. After a discussion
of symbolism and how art can be used to tell a story the students added
aboriginal symbols to their work and then shared their stories with
other class members.
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